an exhibition facilitated by Mutual Reawakening Collaborative
The exhibition is made possible with support from the Nova Institute for Health of People, Places, and Planet.
1. AIR is the essential breath of life interconnecting all living beings.
2. WATER sustains life, refreshes, and flows freely for all.
3. FOOD is nature’s gift, the purest medicine, providing nourishment for life.
4. SHELTER provides comfort, protection, warmth, and accessible places to gather.
5. ENERGY that is sustainable moves ideas, materials, and people.
6. SAFETY is feeling physically and emotionally secure within our societies and environments.
7. COMMUNITY creates cohesion and collective wellbeing for inclusive intergenerational groups.
8. BIODIVERSITY requires healthy connections between all species and habitats.
9. PURPOSE provides meaning and joy and is how we make our contributions to the world.
THRIVE! Healthy People – Healthy Planet
A flourishing and livable world where humans and nature coexist for the better health of all.
The exhibition will aide in this vision by encouraging viewers to pursue a relationship with nature, enhancing awareness of how planetary health influences human health, and inviting action by individuals, groups, and communities.
THRIVE! Healthy People – Healthy Planet
With an enticing art exhibition featuring nature we will:
• connect to hospital and healthcare audiences while they are actively thinking about health
• encourage them to appreciate nature and pursue a relationship with nature
• enhance their awareness of how nature impacts them physically and emotionally
• inspire individuals to act positively for both their own health and the health of nature
THRIVE! Healthy People – Healthy Planet
Our goal is to promote a vision of a flourishing and livable world where humans and nature coexist for the better health of all.
With an enticing art exhibition featuring images of nature that are simple, iconic, and impactful we hope to connect to hospital and healthcare audiences while they are actively thinking about health.
The exhibition will encourage viewers to “experience” nature and enhance their awareness of how nature impacts them physically and emotionally.
Our goal is to gently nudge viewers to understand the link between planetary health and their own health.
The exhibition will also include written invitations that inspire individuals to act positively for both their own health and the health of nature.
We are especially grateful to Nova Institute for Health of People Places and Planet for the visionary, scholarly and material support that makes this project possible.