Mutual Reawakening
Dreams of Nature, Health, and a Balanced Life
Dreams of Nature, Health, and a Balanced Life

Healthy People • Healthy Planet
Art Exhibit
Mutual Reawakening
Dreams of Nature, Health, and a Balanced Life
We envision an equitable, regenerative and sustainable world where humans and nature function in balance and harmony for the health and flourishing of all. By fostering deep connection with nature, we inspire others and ourselves to imagine, adopt, and share new ways of living.
Mutual Reawakening: Dreams of Nature, Health and a Balanced Life
is a transdisciplinary project that . . .
♦ Explores the received and lived wisdom that facilitates health for all (human and planetary) within the context of environmental change.
♦ Implements programs and events to reconnect people to nature and support transformative action by:
- Experimenting within our transdisciplinary team using nature and arts-based invitations that create connections to nature, self, and others;
- Conducting a pilot study of forest therapy’s effects on women 40 years and older, including their connection to nature and improved wellbeing;
- Curating an art exhibition for hospital audiences that links human and planetary health, enhances connection to nature, engages interest in learning, and invites action.
♦ Shares what we learn about the benefits of interdependent living and healing for all forms of life by:
- Blogging from our differing perspectives, on-line publication of zines, and curation of inspirational solution-oriented planetary health news;
- Publishing our work in academic journals and presenting at national or international conferences.
Earth Day Reflections from Baltimore
It starts with love and ends with Earth Day . . .
At the Pond
“At least we gave them this . . .”
Nature Connection from Botanical Graffiti?
Acknowledging our partnership with the often-ignored plant-life around us.
The Medicine of Social and Ecological Belonging in Metro Detroit During the Covid-19 Pandemic
I see a benevolent anarchy, an improvised socialism, that softens the entrenched political stances that keep people from seeing each other’s humanity.
Eunice Foote, the Original Climate Scientist
Celebrating the little-known woman climate scientist, Eunice Foote.
Now that Pandora’s Box is Open
The interconnection between humans and environmental health in a pandemic.
Clapping as Voice
At 8 pm I stepped outside my front door and started clapping. Alone. On an empty street.
Woven Tattered Woven
Under over under | Woven tattered woven | Hope despair hope
Reaping What We Sow in the Garden
My hidden motive was to have them notice and appreciate nature surrounding them as they sketched.
Pandemic Invitations For Therapeutic Edgelands
Making space to practice for the new worlds we might live into.
The Mutuality of a Moment
A short essay on mutuality and collaboration in Baltimore, just as COVID-19 was heating up there.
Why Kids Need to Engage Wild-ness
Cressida Cowell asks important questions about the wild experiences of children today.
We are especially grateful to Nova Institute for Health of People Places and Planet for the visionary, scholarly and material support that makes this project possible.