Our Work
awakening the dream
Stones to the Pile of Climate Activism
Cinder Hypki shares gifts of resilience following 9/11 to inspire personal and community action in the face of the climate crisis.
What is the Mutual Reawakening Project?
Could it be that, once, we all were mutually awake – but forgot – and so we need to reawaken each other again?
Earth Day Invitation
An invitation to honor and reflect on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
Earth Day Reflections from Baltimore
It starts with love and ends with Earth Day . . .
At the Pond
“At least we gave them this . . .”
The Medicine of Social and Ecological Belonging in Metro Detroit During the Covid-19 Pandemic
I see a benevolent anarchy, an improvised socialism, that softens the entrenched political stances that keep people from seeing each other’s humanity.
We are especially grateful to Nova Institute for Health of People Places and Planet for the visionary, scholarly and material support that makes this project possible.