Mutual Reawakening
Dreams of Nature, Health, and a Balanced Life
Dreams of Nature, Health, and a Balanced Life

Healthy People • Healthy Planet
Art Exhibit
Mutual Reawakening
Dreams of Nature, Health, and a Balanced Life
We envision an equitable, regenerative and sustainable world where humans and nature function in balance and harmony for the health and flourishing of all. By fostering deep connection with nature, we inspire others and ourselves to imagine, adopt, and share new ways of living.
Mutual Reawakening: Dreams of Nature, Health and a Balanced Life
is a transdisciplinary project that . . .
♦ Explores the received and lived wisdom that facilitates health for all (human and planetary) within the context of environmental change.
♦ Implements programs and events to reconnect people to nature and support transformative action by:
- Experimenting within our transdisciplinary team using nature and arts-based invitations that create connections to nature, self, and others;
- Conducting a pilot study of forest therapy’s effects on women 40 years and older, including their connection to nature and improved wellbeing;
- Curating an art exhibition for hospital audiences that links human and planetary health, enhances connection to nature, engages interest in learning, and invites action.
♦ Shares what we learn about the benefits of interdependent living and healing for all forms of life by:
- Blogging from our differing perspectives, on-line publication of zines, and curation of inspirational solution-oriented planetary health news;
- Publishing our work in academic journals and presenting at national or international conferences.
Stones to the Pile of Climate Activism
Cinder Hypki shares gifts of resilience following 9/11 to inspire personal and community action in the face of the climate crisis.
Strengthen Your Connection to Nature: 5 Activities to Try Today
Improve your nature connections in 10 minutes or less!
Exiting the Anthropocene
Mutual Reawakening is proud to share this new review paper in the medical journal, Allergy.
Can We Be, With All Our Relations?
To Be in this world has any number of definitions, often dependent on who you ask. In many cultures nothing is more defining to one’s Being as their name, who has named them, what their name means, and its history. Names, though not of particular importance to us when...
Notes for the Earth from a Graduating College Student
As a graduating college student, I’ve been beginning to think more about my relationship with the earth and the choices I can make to conserve it as I enter the world.
Four Earth-Friendly Podcasts For Your Neighborhood Walk
Podcasts have grown dear to my heart over the past few years.
What is the Mutual Reawakening Project?
Could it be that, once, we all were mutually awake – but forgot – and so we need to reawaken each other again?
Black is the New Green: Seeing Color to Advance Environmental Justice
We will know that we have arrived when we can look outside at green spaces and not just see what we have lost.
Mutual Reawakening Team Members at UWNatureHealth2021
Mutual Reawakening team members to speak at UWNatureHealth2021!
Keewaydinoquay of Garden Island: A Story of Hope and Healing
Dip into Dr. Sara Warber’s story of teacher and student, intergenerational friendship, and Nature’s gifts of healing.
The Environment Can Actually Change our Physiology
Dr. Sara Warber discusses nature’s “bio-psycho-social-spiritual” benefits, for people and society.
Earth Day Invitation
An invitation to honor and reflect on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
We are especially grateful to Nova Institute for Health of People Places and Planet for the visionary, scholarly and material support that makes this project possible.